
      • Malevolti MC, Baccini M, Caldarella A, Garofalo G, Gorini G, Levi M, Manneschi G, Masala G, Monasta L, Profili F, Carreras G. Lung cancer and smoking: years lived with disability in Tuscany (Italy). An analysis from the ACAB study. BMC Public Health. 2024 Oct 3;24(1):2696. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-024-20109-4



      • Zamagni G, Forni S, Iavicoli I, Guicciardi S, Buonsenso D, Ferrara P, De Luca M, Golinelli D, Sanmarchi F, Collatuzzo G, Gemmi F, Naghavi M, Sabbatucci M, Monasta L. Stime dell’antibiotico-resistenza in Italia e in Europa occidentale nel 2019: un’analisi comparativa basata su MICROBE. Epidemiol Prev. 2024 Jan-Feb;48(1):48-59. https://doi.org/10.19191/EP24.1.A648.020


      • Armocida B, Monasta L, Sawyer SM, Bustreo F, Onder G, Castelpietra G, Pricci F, Minardi V, Giacomozzi C, Abbafati C, Stafford LK, Pasovic M, Hay SI, Ong KL, Perel P, Beran D; GBD 2019 Europe Adolescent Diabetes. The Burden of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Among Adolescents and Young Adults in 24 Western European Countries, 1990-2019: Results From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Int J Public Health. 2024 Feb 14;68:1606491. https://doi.org/10.3389/ijph.2023.1606491


      • Abbafati C, Nieddu L, Monasta L. Measures of type 2 diabetes burden in Italy assessed using the AMD dataset over a twelve year span across the Great Recession. Sci Rep. 2024 Feb 28;14(1):4901. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-54989-8


      • Andreella A, Monasta L, Campostrini S. A novel comorbidity index in Italy based on diseases detected by the surveillance system PASSI and the Global Burden of Diseases disability weights. Popul Health Metr. 2023 Oct 30;21(1):18. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12963-023-00317-7


      • GBD 2019 Europe Hepatitis B & C Collaborators [Cortesi PA, Fornari C, Conti S, Antonazzo IC, Ferrara P, Ahmed A, Andrei CL, Andrei T, Artamonov AA, Banach M, Baravelli CM, Bärnighausen TW, Bhagavathula AS, Briko NI, Calina D, Carreras G, Chung S, Dianatinasab M, Dubljanin E, Durojaiye OC, Ezeonwumelu IJ, Fagbamigbe AF, Fischer F, Gallus S, Glushkova EV, Golinelli D, Gorini G, Hassan S, Hay SI, Hostiuc M, Ilic IM, Ilic MD, Jakovljevic M, Jamshidi E, Jozwiak JJ, Kabir Z, Kauppila JH, Khalilov R, Khan MA, Khatab K, Koyanagi A, La Vecchia C, Lazarus JV, Ledda C, Levi M, Lopukhov PD, Loureiro JA, Matthews PC, Mentis AA, Mestrovic T, Moazen B, Mohammed S, Monasta L, Mulita F, Murray CJL, Negoi I, Oancea B, Palladino C, Patel J, Petcu I, Postma MJ, Rawaf DL, Rawaf S, Romero-Rodríguez E, Santric-Milicevic MM, Skryabin VY, Skryabina AA, Tabarés-Seisdedos R, Tampa M, Taveira N, Thiyagarajan A, Tovani-Palone MR, Westerman R, Zastrozhin MS, Mazzaglia G, Mantovani LG]. Hepatitis B and C in Europe: an update from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Public Health. 2023 Sep;8(9):e701-e716. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(23)00149-4


      • Conti S, Fornari C, Ferrara P, Antonazzo IC, Madotto F, Traini E, Levi M, Cernigliaro A, Armocida B, Bragazzi NL, Cadum E, Carugno M, Crotti G, Deandrea S, Cortesi PA, Guido D, Iavicoli I, Iavicoli S, La Vecchia C, Lauriola P, Michelozzi P, Scondotto S, Stafoggia M, Violante FS, Abbafati C, Albano L, Barone-Adesi F, Biondi A, Bosetti C, Buonsenso D, Carreras G, Castelpietra G, Catapano A, Cattaruzza MS, Corso B, Damiani G, Esposito F, Gallus S, Golinelli D, Hay SI, Isola G, Ledda C, Mondello S, Pedersini P, Pensato U, Perico N, Remuzzi G, Sanmarchi F, Santoro R, Simonetti B, Unim B, Vacante M, Veroux M, Villafañe JH, Monasta L, Mantovani LG. Time-Trends in Air Pollution Impact on Health in Italy, 1990-2019: An Analysis From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Int J Public Health. 2023 Jun 2;68:1605959. https://doi.org/10.3389/ijph.2023.1605959


      • Buja A, Miatton A, Cozzolino C, Monasta L, Grada A, Karimkhani CA, Naghavi M, Damiani G. The global, regional, and national burden of seborrheic dermatitis: results and insights from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study. Arch Dermatol Res. 2023 Jul;315(5):1143-1149 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00403-022-02469-2



      • Armocida B, Ronfani L, Monasta L. L’onere delle malattie non trasmissibili tra gli adolescenti di 10-24 anni nell’Unione europea. Epidemiol Prev. 2022;46(5-6): 389-390. https://doi.org/10.19191/EP22.5-6.A536.090



      • Monasta, L., Alicandro, G., Pasovic, M., Cunningham, M., Armocida, B., Ronfani, L., Naghavi, M., & GBD 2019 Italy Causes of Death Collaborators (2022). Redistribution of garbage codes to underlying causes of death: a systematic analysis on Italy and a comparison with most populous Western European countries based on the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Eur J Public Health. 32(3):456-462. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckab194


      • Castelpietra, G., Knudsen, A., Agardh, E. E., Armocida, B., Beghi, M., Iburg, K. M., Logroscino, G., Ma, R., Starace, F., Steel, N., Addolorato, G., Andrei, C. L., Andrei, T., Ayuso-Mateos, J. L., Banach, M., Bärnighausen, T. W., Barone-Adesi, F., Bhagavathula, A. S., Carvalho, F., Carvalho, M., … Monasta, L. (2022). The burden of mental disorders, substance use disorders and self-harm among young people in Europe, 1990-2019: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet regional health. Europe, 16, 100341. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanepe.2022.100341


      • Armocida, B., Monasta, L., Sawyer, S., Bustreo, F., Segafredo, G., Castelpietra, G., Ronfani, L., Pasovic, M., Hay, S., GBD 2019 Europe NCDs in Adolescents Collaborators, Perel, P., & Beran, D. (2022). Burden of non-communicable diseases among adolescents aged 10-24 years in the EU, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2019. The Lancet. Child & adolescent health, 6(6), 367–383. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-4642(22)00073-6


      • Charalampous P, Pallari E, Gorasso V, von der Lippe E, Devleesschauwer B, Pires SM. et al. Methodological considerations in injury burden of disease studies across Europe: a systematic literature review. BMC Public Health. 2022; 22:1564. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-13925-z


      • Charalampous P, Gorasso V, Plass D, Pires SM, von der Lippe E, Mereke A, Idavain J, Kissimova-Skarbek K, Morgado JN, Ngwa CH, Noguer I, Padron-Monedero A, Santi-Cano MJ, Sarmiento R, Devleesschauwer B, Haagsma JA & COST Action CA18218 Participants (2022). Burden of non-communicable disease studies in Europe: a systematic review of data sources and methodological choices. Eur J Public Health. 32(2):289-296. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckab218



      • Raggi, A., Monasta, L., Beghi, E., Caso, V., Castelpietra, G., Mondello, S., Giussani, G., Logroscino, G., Magnani, F. G., Piccininni, M., Pupillo, E., Ricci, S., Ronfani, L., Santalucia, P., Sattin, D., Schiavolin, S., Toppo, C., Traini, E., Steinmetz, J., Nichols, E., … Leonardi, M. (2021). Incidence, prevalence and disability associated with neurological disorders in Italy between 1990 and 2019: an analysis based on the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Journal of neurology, 10.1007/s00415-021-10774-5. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00415-021-10774-5


      • Chiandetti, A., Armocida, B., Ronfani, L., & Monasta, L. (2021). La disabilità nei bambini e negli adolescenti: una riflessione dell’Italian GBD Initiative [Disability in children and adolescents: a reflection of the Italian GBD initiative]. Epidemiologia e prevenzione45(5), 411–415. https://doi.org/10.19191/EP21.5.P411.107


      • Cortesi, P. A., Fornari, C., Madotto, F., Conti, S., Naghavi, M., Bikbov, B., Briant, P. S., Caso, V., Crotti, G., Johnson, C., Nguyen, M., Palmieri, L., Perico, N., Profili, F., Remuzzi, G., Roth, G. A., Traini, E., Voller, F., Yadgir, S., Mazzaglia, G., … GBD 2017 Italy Cardiovascular Diseases Collaborators (2021). Trends in cardiovascular diseases burden and vascular risk factors in Italy: The Global Burden of Disease study 1990-2017. European journal of preventive cardiology28(4), 385–396. https://doi.org/10.1177/2047487320949414


      • Carreras, G., Lachi, A., Cortini, B., Gallus, S., López, M. J., López-Nicolás, Á., Lugo, A., Pastor, M. T., Soriano, J. B., Fernandez, E., Gorini, G., & TackSHS Project Investigators (2021). Burden of disease from exposure to secondhand smoke in children in Europe. Pediatric research90(1), 216–222. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41390-020-01223-6




      • Leonardi, M., Grazzi, L., D’Amico, D., Martelletti, P., Guastafierro, E., Toppo, C., & Raggi, A. (2020). Global Burden of Headache Disorders in Children and Adolescents 2007-2017. International journal of environmental research and public health18(1), 250. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18010250


      • Bosetti, C., Traini, E., Alam, T., Allen, C. A., Carreras, G., Compton, K., Fitzmaurice, C., Force, L. M., Gallus, S., Gorini, G., Harvey, J. D., Kocarnik, J. M., La Vecchia, C., Lugo, A., Naghavi, M., Pennini, A., Piccinelli, C., Ronfani, L., Xu, R., & Monasta, L. (2020). National burden of cancer in Italy, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2017. Scientific reports10(1), 22099. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-79176-3


      • Ariani F, Baldasseroni A, Biffino M, Romeo G, Levi M. (2020) Rivalutazione del carico di danni dovuti agli infortuni mortali sul lavoro in Italia, 1951-2017. Epidemiol Prev; 44(2):263-70. https://doi.org/10.19191/EP20.4.P263.056




      • GBD 2017 Italy Collaborators (2019). Italy’s health performance, 1990-2017: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet. Public health4(12), e645–e657. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(19)30189-6



      • Bikbov, B., Perico, N., Remuzzi, G., & on behalf of the GBD Genitourinary Diseases Expert Group (2018). Disparities in Chronic Kidney Disease Prevalence among Males and Females in 195 Countries: Analysis of the Global Burden of Disease 2016 Study. Nephron139(4), 313–318. https://doi.org/10.1159/000489897



      • Battisti, F., Carreras, G., Grassi, T., Chellini, E., & Gorini, G. (2017). Stima dei decessi per tumori attribuibili a fattori di rischio comportamentali in Italia nel 2013 [Estimates of cancer deaths attributable to behavioural risk factors in Italy, 2013]. Epidemiologia e prevenzione41(1), 61–67. https://doi.org/10.19191/EP17.1.P061.013



      • Bikbov, B., Perico, N., Remuzzi, G., & Global Burden of Disease Study Genitourinary Disease Expert Group (2014). High serum cholesterol: a missed risk factor for chronic kidney disease mortality. The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology2(8), 613–614. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2213-8587(14)70162-7


      • Bikbov, B., Perico, N., & Remuzzi, G. (2014). Mortality landscape in the global burden of diseases, injuries and risk factors study. European journal of internal medicine25(1), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejim.2013.09.002




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