We are proud to announce that Dr. Lorenzo Monasta, national coordinator of the Italian GBD Initiative and Epidemiologist at IRCCS Burlo Garofolo in Trieste, and Prof. Cristiana Abbafati, a historical member of the network and Health Economist at La Sapienza University of Rome, have been appointed as members of the Scientific Council of the Global Burden of Disease Study.

The appointment takes effect from November 2022 and is for a three-year term.

The GBD Scientific Council is the main scientific decision-making body of the Study.

Key functions of the Council include reviewing and deciding on proposed updates to GBD methods, deciding on proposed additions or changes to the lists of diseases, injuries and risk factors, and scientific resolution of any disagreements between different areas of the study.

The Council is composed of eminent experts in fields related to GBD.

Current members of the GBD Scientific Council and its Secretariat are listed on the IHME website at:

Scientific Council | Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (healthdata.org)

The council includes 33 members, plus the chair, Chris Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.

This appointment is the result of the recognition of the work of the national network, which now consists of more than 150 Italian researchers, and the formalization of the network with theCollaboration Agreement signed by 20 research institutions.